Wednesday, December 21, 2011
कार्य और व्यवहार
दूसरे दिन सुबह उसने मुझसे कुछ कहा जिसे मैंने ठीक से सुना नहीं और उससे ५५ रु. ले लिए.
अब मैंने ध्यान दिया मूली भाजी में भाजी तो दिख रही है पर मूली तो गायब है!
मैंने उससे पुछा – मूली कहाँ है?
उसने जवाब दिया-“ आप लोग तो मूली खाते नहीं तो मूली मैं अपने घर ले गई और भाजी आपने मंगाया था तो मैं ले आई..”
मेरे दिमाग में हिसाब किताब चल रहा था – १५ रु. का अरहर दाल, १० रु. का साबुन और उसने मुझे ५५ रु. वापस किये तो फिर २० रु. के भाजी में मूली अपने पास रख लिया?
मुझे ऐसा लगा की यह ऐसे ही मुझे कई बार बेवकूफ बना चुकी होगी...मैंने उसे थोड़े कड़क स्वर में कहा- “जो भी लेने को कहा जाता है उसे पूरा पूरा लाया करो, किसे देना है नहीं देना है इसका निर्णय में करुँगी...”
महरिन के आखों में आंसू आ गए उसने दोबारा उसी बात को कहा जो मेने ठीक से सुना नहीं था – दीदी ये भाजी मैंने अपने पैसे से लाए हैं ५ रु. किलो में मिल रहा था तो मैंने उसे ले लिया और २० रु. प्याज भाजी के लिए सब्जी वाले को दिए हैं वह कल ताज़ी प्याज भाजी ले आएगा....”
बस उसके इतना कहने की देरी थी मुझे समझ में आया की मुझसे आज कितनी बड़ी गलती हो चुकी थी जिस इंसान के ऊपर मैं विश्वास करके पूरा घर छोड़ जाती थी उस पर शक किया! शक करने की पीड़ा दोनों पक्षों को बड़ा भारी पड़ा. मैंने उससे माफ़ी तो मांगी पर यह जख्म जो मैंने उसे दिया शायद ही उसे कभी भर पाऊँ....
जीवन विद्या के अध्ययन करते समय एक सूचना कई बार आखों के सामने आई और गई पर आज पहली बार मैंने उसे अपने साथ होते देखा...
“कार्य – शेष प्रकृति (मानव को छोड़ कर) के साथ किया गया श्रम
व्यवहार – मानव का मानव के साथ सुखी होने में किया गया श्रम”
आज कार्य व्यवहार पर हावी हो गया .....
हर मानव सुखी ही होना चाहता है औरों को भी सुखी देखना चाहता है. चाहना में “सुख” प्रधान है जब कभी हम चाहना में शक करते हैं स्वयं भी पीड़ित होते हैं और दूसरों को भी करते हैं ....
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Companies That Still Test on Animals (and associated brands)
- Alcon Labs
- Allergan, Inc.
- Answer
- Arm & Hammer
- ArmorAll
- Arrid
- Axe
- Aziza
- Bain de Soleil
- Ban Roll-on
- Banana Boat
- Bausch & Lomb
- Benckiser
- BenGay
- Biotherm
- Block Drug Co. Inc.
- Bounty
- Boyle-Midway
- Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.
- Cacherel
- Cargill
- Carpet Fresh
- Carter-Wallace
- Chesebrough-Ponds
- Church & Dwight
- Clarion
- Clairol
- Clear Choice
- Clorox
- Commerce Drug Co.
- Consumer Value Stores
- Coppertone
- Coty
- Cover Girl
- Crest
- Dana Perfumes
- Dawn
- Del Laboratories
- Desitin
- Dial Corporation
- Diversey
- Dove
- Dow Brands
- Drackett Products Co.
- Drano
- EcoLab
- Eli Lilly & Co.
- El Sanofi Inc.
- Elizabeth Arden
- Erno Laszlo
- Faberge
- Fantastik
- Fendi
- Final Net
- Finesse
- First Response
- Flame Glow
- Garnier
- Giorgio Armani
- Givaudan-Roure
- Glade
- Glass Plus
- Helena Rubinstein
- Helene Curtis Industries
- Herbal Essences
- Huggies
- Ivory
- Jhirmack
- Johnson & Johnson
- Johnson Products Co.
- Jovan
- Kaboom
- Keri
- Kimberly-Clark Corp
- Kiwi Brands
- Kleenex
- Lady's Choice
- Lancaster
- Lancome
- Lava
- Lever Brothers
- Lipton
- Listerine
- L'Oreal USA
- Lubriderm
- Lux
- Lysol
- Matrix Essentials
- Max Factor
- Maybelline
- Mead
- Mop & Glo
- Nair
- Naturelle
- Neutrogena
- Neutron Industries, Inc.
- Olean
- Orange Glo
- Oscar de la Renta
- OxiClean
- Pantene
- Parfums International
- Pearl Drops
- Pennex
- Pfizer, Inc.
- Pine-Sol
- Plax
- Playtex Corporation
- Pledge
- Polident
- Ponds
- Post-It
- Prestige Brands
- Prince Matchabelli
- Proctor & Gamble Co.
- Quintessence
- Raid
- Ralph Lauren Fragrances
- Reckitt Benckiser
- Redken
- Resolve
- Richardson-Vicks
- Sally Beauty Supply
- Sally Hansen
- Sanofi
- SC Johnson & Son
- Schering-Plough
- Scotch
- Scott Paper Co.
- Scrub Free
- Sensodyne
- Signal
- SmithKline Beecham
- Snobal
- SoftSheen
- S.O.S.
- Stanhome Inc.
- Sterling Drug
- Suave
- Sun Star
- Sunsilk
- TCB Naturals
- Tegrin
- 3M
- Tide
- Tilex
- Trojan
- Truvia
- Unilever
- Vaseline
- Vichy
- Vidal Sassoon
- Visine
- Vivid
- Warner-Lambert
- Westwood Pharmaceuticals
- White Shoulders
- Whitehall Laboratories
- Windex
- Woolite
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
What is Existence?
Friday, September 30, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011
राष्ट्रिय पशु की हत्या एक शर्मनाक घटना!
Friday, September 9, 2011
सतर्क रहें!
शहीद हुई जनता को जनता की ओर से श्रद्धांजलि.....
दोबारा हुई जनता हलाल!
तुम जनता किस पर भरोसा कर रही हो? सरकार पर? वह तो खुद ही हमारे शोषण में लगी हुई है , हमें चूस कर चूसकर जमा करने में लगी है। याद नहीं वह ४ जून वाली काली रात जब हमारी सरकार ने हमें कुचलने के लिए किसतरह का षड्यंत्र रचा था? यदि बाबा रामदेव जी सतर्क नहीं रहते तो ना जाने कितने लोग मारे जाते शायद इनविस्फोट में शहीद हुए लोगों से भी ज्यादा।
हम चारों तरफ से दुश्मनों से घिरे हुए हैं , अन्दर के और बाहर के।
Friday, July 8, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
In death, she gave life to five others
Dear and my sweet friends, Today I read this news in Times of India of Harshita Bahrech.
"She was good at mathematics and wanted to pursue engineering. She endeared herself to one and all. Her death has been a grievous blow but the fact that she could give life to others even in death mitigates the pain," said Bahrech.
Harshita's elder brother Chaitanya, who studies at Delhi College of Engineering, said he was proud of his sister. "We were once watching satsang on TV where a spiritual guru was saying that organs cannot be donated. She was stoutly opposed to it and said one should always donate organs in case of death. I remembered what she had said and supported my family when they were deciding to donate her organs," he said.
According to doctors, the cornea retrieved from Harshita's brain-dead body has been used in two blind patients, and it had positive results. Her liver and kidneys have been transplanted into two other patients. "We could not find a matching recipient for her heart valves at that time. After due consultation with different city hospitals where there is a facility of heart transplant, we decided to send the same to the ORBO for preservation," said Dr Sujoy Shad, senior consultant cardiac surgeon at the hospital.
Dr B K Rao, chairman of SHRM, added that there is an urgent need to promote organ donation and create more facilities to support organ transplant in India.
"At our hospital, we have permission and facilities to do all kinds of transplants but due to a lack of donors, 80% of the patients needing transplant die. There is a need to perform 15,000 liver transplants in India annually, but till date, only 1,600 cases have been addressed," said Dr Harsh Jauhari, transplant surgeon at SGRM and an advisory member of the central government-appointed expert committee which is in the process of framing a new Transplantation of Human Organ and Tissue Bill. "
Monday, May 2, 2011
Borneo Orangutan Survival
Despite this amazing biodiversity and range of delicate ecosystems, an area the size of 300 football fields of rainforest is cleared each hour in Indonesia and Malaysia to make way for onevegetable oil. That's 6 football fields destroyed each minute! This vegetable oil is called palm oil, and is used in hundreds of the everyday foods and products that you buy each week....."
"In some cases, the absolute unthinkable is done to female orangutans; the 'lower-than-low'. They are captured and used in Indonesian brothels as prostitutes; where they are tied down as menrepeatably rape them on a daily basis. .........."
Read more in this site and help your MOTHER NATURE.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Valuable information
Kindly, share this valuable information wherever possible.
1. If you see children Begging anywhere in INDIA, please contact:
"RED SOCIETY" at 9940217816. They will help the children for their studies.
2. Where you can search for any BLOOD GROUP, you will get thousand's of donor address.
3. Engineering Students can register in to attend Off Campus for 40 Companies.
4. Free Education and Free hostel for Handicapped/Physically Challenged children.
Contact:- 9842062501 & 9894067506.
5. If anyone met with fire accident or people born with problems in their ear, nose and mouth can get free PLASTIC SURGERY done by Kodaikanal PASAM Hospital . From 23rd March to 4th April by German Doctors.
Everything is free. Contact : 045420-240668,245732
"Helping Hands are Better than Praying Lips"
6. If you find any important documents like Driving license, Ration card, Passport, Bank Pass Book, etc., missed by someone, simply put them into any near by Post Boxes. They will automatically reach the owner and Fine will be collected from them.
7. By the next 10 months, our earth will become 4 degrees hotter than what it is now. Our Himalayan glaciers are melting at rapid rate. So let all of us lend our hands to fight GLOBAL WARMING.
-Plant more Trees.
-Don't waste Water & Electricity.
-Don't use or burn Plastics
8. It costs 38 Trillion dollars to create OXYGEN for 6 months for all Human beings on earth.
"Respect them and Save them"
9. Special phone number for Eye bank and Eye donation: 04428281919 and 04428271616 (Sankara Nethralaya Eye Bank). For More information about how to donate eyes plz visit these sites.
10. Heart Surgery free of cost for children (0-10 yr) Sri Valli Baba Institute Banglore. 10.
Contact : 9916737471
11. Medicine for Blood Cancer!!!!
'Imitinef Mercilet' is a medicine which cures blood cancer. Its available free of cost at "Adyar Cancer Institute in Chennai". Create Awareness. It might help someone.
Cancer Institute in Adyar, Chennai
Category: Cancer
East Canal Bank Road, Gandhi Nagar
Chennai -600020
Landmark: Near Michael School
Phone: 044-24910754 044-24910754 , 044-24911526 044-24911526 , 044-22350241 044-22350241
If you have a function/party at your home in India and food gets wasted, don't hesitate to call 1098 (only in India ) - Its not a Joke, This is the number of Child helpline.
They will come and collect the food. Please circulate this message which can help feed many children.
Please Save Our Mother Nature for
"Spend at least as much time researching a stock as you would choosing a refrigerator" - Peter Lynch
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Please No Go for mining-Minister of Coal, Sriprakash Jaiswal